Thursday 29 December 2005


It's been a while since I've posted, but not because I've given up. It's been a mixture of reasons - too busy, disillusioned (?).... I'm not sure disillusioned is right really though. I know I've wanted to say a bit so I've been holding it off.

During my first week of Add A Meal I got terrible pains in my kidneys and stomach, really chronic, within a couple of hours of eating. I was eating the right foods but as I was on my, "Hungry Week", and my first week of real food, I figured I'd have the portions I wanted. So I put it down to that. The first day of Sole Source (being back on the diet) saw no problems in that department.

However, since then I've struggled to stay back in SS and my weekly average loss has petered out a bit. With birthdays and Christmas coming up, I relaxed a bit, but wouldn't let myself off the hook totally. I kept to either 2 or 3 foodpacks a day and the odd pick. To my detriment I think I could've maybe lost nearly another stone by now, but I won't give myself a hard time about that. I'm in this condition because I have food issues, it's going to take a while for me to relearn. The fact that eating real food can (but doesn't always) affect me with physical pain is a harsh, but quite a good policeman!

The last time I got weighed - just over a week ago, I stayed the same - but I was fine with that, I was so sure I had put on, it was just depressing!

I haven't been weighed yet this week; obviously with Christmas I let loose a bit, mainly over Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Prior to that I was practically crippled with the stomach/back pains, I called the doctor out twice - although I did cancel when Ranitidine (antacids?) was recommended and did the trick for the most part. I had the back pain all through Christmas, but it was at a tolerable level.

Then.... I either got food poisoning or a stomach bug that started overnight after Boxing Day and anything that passes my lips passes out the other end quite soon after. I'll spare you the details! I am a bit dehydrated but I spoke to the GP on the phone this morning and she recommended NO drinking water (shame bcos I'm thirsty!), but sipping the vile Diarolyte. I managed a few small sips before the one hour limit ran out so I had to throw it away. I had a slice of dry toast an hour ago, and until I started typing this sentence thought I was fine, but my stomach's cramping a bit now.


I suppose at least this will help me back onto Sole Source next week; I had started out quite well back on it on Tuesday, but obviously decided it was pointless after my toilet problems lasted more than a few hours! Hopefully it'll be good news on the scales next week too then! Not that I'd like to go through this every time I want to get rid of the results of indulging! But it would be nice if I got some pay-off!!

I'll let you know next week!

PS Thank you to the people who've posted on here, I do appreciate it, and please let me know how you're doing!

PPS Have managed to lose 4.5" all over this month. People are - slowly - beginning to notice - hooray!