Sunday 21 May 2006

Blog in Brief

Sorry, I've left it too late in the day to blog properly, so I'll try and keep this short.

Not doing brilliantly, am on hungry week - but trying just to stick to no-carb or lo-carb stuff. Fine except today I had about 10 McDonald's fries and 2x small mouthfuls of Yorkie McFlurry.

Mike's words on his blog, "do i want to eat, or do i want to be slim" is starting to become a mantra, and despite my caving in at times, has actually helped.

I'm being weighed officially tomorrow, and I am certain that I will have put on since Saturday. Oh well, that's the price you pay!

I've made some more jelly, I've got the recipe nailed now - 4x leaf gelatine, 500ml water and a couple of drops of food colouring. It's gorgeous with a mousse and will become a life-saver at times.

I expanded on that thought and made a litre's worth of water with water flavouring a tiny bit of colouring and lots of ice all whizzed up in the blender. I'd drunk it within the hour (all it needed was a splash of schnapps or vodka!!)

So I'll be back tomorrow with the bad news, I'm fighting feeling bad about it because it's done now, it's all part of the addiction, and I could have been worse.

Saturday 20 May 2006

Swings and Roundabouts

Well Tuesday morning was all well and good until I got cocky! I had some trout, tuna and something else fishy that day and ended up 4lb heavier the next morning!!

I had a pound of minced beef the next day!

Okay, time to admit that I am on hungry week and just make do with it. This apparently means that women need an extra 500 cals a day, which is why we all go mad for chocolate in certain times of the month!! :o) Not that that's an excuse, I have well over 500lbs of calories in the bank! In fat terms I'm a millionaire! Okay, not quite, and I digress.

I found out on the CD forum about a perfectly legal jelly made with water, gelatine and CD water flavouring. Batch one tasted okay, although was a bit wibbly and unappealing to the eye. Next batch I used leaf gelatine and a couple of drops of yellow food colouring. Heaps better but still too wibbly. Batch 3 is wibbly too, so I'll just add another leaf of gelatine next time. I stuck it in the freezer for about half an hour which, and let's face it, these are desperate times - helped! I made a chocolate mousse to go with it and not only was it filling but DIVOON!!!!

A pile of choc Angel Delight and orange Jelly?!?!?! Are you SURE?!?!?! Now every meal can be Sunday teatime when I was a kid. And I've got it all to myself. Fantastic.

So I lost the 4lb I put on and another 2 on top of that since then, so in effect I've lost 2lb since Tuesday, ah, I'm not complaining. I haven't been this weight for about 5 years, and it's going in the right direction, so it's all good.

Finally a little note to Mike, if he comes here again, I saw you splashed all over the Daily Mail today!! Very proud of you and hope to be following in your footsteps man!! Thanks for your message as well, it was short and sweet but the timing was perfect!!

Right, that's your lot for today (it's getting to that time of day when I'm struggling and I've no chocolate packs until Monday!!!).

Tuesday 16 May 2006


I only got up about half an hour ago, so I've nothing to write about today yet - except I'm so excited that I lost another 2lb that I couldn't wait to write it up!

This means I've beaten my second mini-goal - I'm not just back to where I was when I gave up before, but I'm 2.5lb less!!

Good news as well that on the wonderful Cambridge Dieters site, I found out about a recipe for jelly that I am totally allowed to use!

That is going to be a real lifesaver - I made some last night. The colour isn't very appealing so I'm going to try a couple of drops of food colouring next time. I have a small feeling it might be too sweet for me, but who cares? I'll just put in less of that ingredient.

The only percievable problem I can see is that some of the mixture coagulated into plastic-y "bits", which is really unappetising! Well, it's only my first one, it'll get better!

In a GOOOOOOD moood!!

Monday 15 May 2006

Still Fighting the Fight

It's not been too bad today. Still in ketosis and I wasn't hungry until I'd been up about an hour. Water intake is fine and I'm beginning to see improvements in my skin and nails. I lost another 2lb - so that's 12lb in just under a fortnight! Not bad, eh?!

They said getting back on the wagon would be harder than the first time but I didn't believe them. Boy, was I wrong! I'm about to have my 4th shake (women are only supposed to have 3) of the day - I also have had 2 tuna steaks (mmm!) and I've nibbled a bit of cheese.

I'm still debating as to whether it's better just to have some meat and veg a day honestly, rather than be secretive about it.

One of my major problems, I've discovered is that I eat to be defiant or rebel. I see this in other areas of my life too, but every time the OH goes out the street door (except to go to work in the morning, when I'm asleep), I automatically go to the fridge. It's quite a battle and the fact that he's given up smoking (and therefore doesn't go outside as much) isn't really helping. Well, it's helping, but in a very annoying way!! :o)

I've no real plans this week - there's no school for me, I've given up college on Monday and Wednesdays, and there's less study to do. I've decided to walk up the road every day to get a newspaper... well, I've talked about that already.

Right, I'm still hungry (I wonder if I'm on hungry week early again? It's probably because I nibble...) so I'm going to make a drink. I was going to have a tetra pack but I'll try bouillon first.

Okay. I'm aiming to have lost a total of at least 60lb by the end of this week (Sunday). I think that's reasonable, but hopefully it'll be a bit more!

Sunday 14 May 2006


Well, I'm struggling today. Struggled yesterday too, but didn't cave. Which, of course, means I did today. Yeah, I found a little bit of frozen turkey and a piece of cod in the freezer and ate them. Didn't enjoy them though. So that was bloody pointless.

I dunno, I guess I'm just fed up because I expected to see a pound or two gone this morning - instead I saw change.

Oh well, there you go. I'm having another meal now, as I type - a hot banana tetra. Should be okay for a while. I'll have a veg bouillon and/or a coffee if it gets tough later. No real harm in having another one of each of those and a shake/tetra/soup as well if I need it - touch wood I won't! I shouldn't!

I've decided to walk up to the shops every day this week - it might not seem like a big deal, but I don't walk anywhere, and that should take me about half an hour, there and back. It's better than nothing - damn, I just remembered I'm working Tuesday daytime...

Saturday 13 May 2006

Back on Track?

I've taken some time off the diet - obviously. I've had some kind of weird illness - which hasn't completely gone away, but I'm not having anywhere near the same problems. It would start with pain in what felt like my kidneys (but in my back) and would then spread to what felt like my stomach. It was agony. I would be doubled up for hours and no position I could get in would alleviate it. Then it would go, just really suddenly I would be fine again.

I couldn't work out what was sparking it off, but it started back in November. I thought it had to be food related, so I kept a vague record of what I was eating. One time it was a digestive biscuit with blue cheese, another time I'd gorged nearly half a box of quality chocolates (oops!). Another time it was a couple of slices of toast with honey (no butter). I went to Krispy Kreme one day and had SIX donuts, and then prepared myself for pain. Nothing.

Go fig.

I started to get quite scared when it occurred to me one day that my nan died of stomach cancer and one of my uncles died of leukemia when he wasn't much older than me, and they had been treating him for an ulcer. The GP booked me in for an endoscopy, but when the appointment letter came, I wimped out. That said, I've not had the pains since before I last saw the GP, over a month ago. I kind of get ghost symptoms of it now and again, but whatever it was, I think it's working my way out of my system.


So with university looming and some of my pressures off right now, I figured it's the right time to get back onto Cambridge. I carried on throughout, having a shake for breakfast most days, occasionally for lunch or dinner too, but I wasn't watching what I ate at all.

I noticed I'd put on 10lb, so I thought it was time to make a concerted effort. This was a fortnight ago. It hasn't been easy, I've slipped just about every day, but only in a very minor way. I'm not pressuring myself too much, I know I'm doing really well. Every day is improving ever so slightly, eg. today I've had a v small handful of seeds. The OH has given up fags and booze, so we're really supporting each other and we're having a tough old time of it. But it'll work. It has to!

I'm happy to say that the 10lb is now officially off!

I'm going to try and post every day this week or so - although I have college, filming, work, gigs - I only really have Thursday evening off!

So, wish me luck! :o)