Sunday 14 May 2006


Well, I'm struggling today. Struggled yesterday too, but didn't cave. Which, of course, means I did today. Yeah, I found a little bit of frozen turkey and a piece of cod in the freezer and ate them. Didn't enjoy them though. So that was bloody pointless.

I dunno, I guess I'm just fed up because I expected to see a pound or two gone this morning - instead I saw change.

Oh well, there you go. I'm having another meal now, as I type - a hot banana tetra. Should be okay for a while. I'll have a veg bouillon and/or a coffee if it gets tough later. No real harm in having another one of each of those and a shake/tetra/soup as well if I need it - touch wood I won't! I shouldn't!

I've decided to walk up to the shops every day this week - it might not seem like a big deal, but I don't walk anywhere, and that should take me about half an hour, there and back. It's better than nothing - damn, I just remembered I'm working Tuesday daytime...

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