Saturday 13 May 2006

Back on Track?

I've taken some time off the diet - obviously. I've had some kind of weird illness - which hasn't completely gone away, but I'm not having anywhere near the same problems. It would start with pain in what felt like my kidneys (but in my back) and would then spread to what felt like my stomach. It was agony. I would be doubled up for hours and no position I could get in would alleviate it. Then it would go, just really suddenly I would be fine again.

I couldn't work out what was sparking it off, but it started back in November. I thought it had to be food related, so I kept a vague record of what I was eating. One time it was a digestive biscuit with blue cheese, another time I'd gorged nearly half a box of quality chocolates (oops!). Another time it was a couple of slices of toast with honey (no butter). I went to Krispy Kreme one day and had SIX donuts, and then prepared myself for pain. Nothing.

Go fig.

I started to get quite scared when it occurred to me one day that my nan died of stomach cancer and one of my uncles died of leukemia when he wasn't much older than me, and they had been treating him for an ulcer. The GP booked me in for an endoscopy, but when the appointment letter came, I wimped out. That said, I've not had the pains since before I last saw the GP, over a month ago. I kind of get ghost symptoms of it now and again, but whatever it was, I think it's working my way out of my system.


So with university looming and some of my pressures off right now, I figured it's the right time to get back onto Cambridge. I carried on throughout, having a shake for breakfast most days, occasionally for lunch or dinner too, but I wasn't watching what I ate at all.

I noticed I'd put on 10lb, so I thought it was time to make a concerted effort. This was a fortnight ago. It hasn't been easy, I've slipped just about every day, but only in a very minor way. I'm not pressuring myself too much, I know I'm doing really well. Every day is improving ever so slightly, eg. today I've had a v small handful of seeds. The OH has given up fags and booze, so we're really supporting each other and we're having a tough old time of it. But it'll work. It has to!

I'm happy to say that the 10lb is now officially off!

I'm going to try and post every day this week or so - although I have college, filming, work, gigs - I only really have Thursday evening off!

So, wish me luck! :o)


Anonymous said...


You'll be slim before the autumn


cd said...


Thank you. That was perfect timing.