Saturday 20 May 2006

Swings and Roundabouts

Well Tuesday morning was all well and good until I got cocky! I had some trout, tuna and something else fishy that day and ended up 4lb heavier the next morning!!

I had a pound of minced beef the next day!

Okay, time to admit that I am on hungry week and just make do with it. This apparently means that women need an extra 500 cals a day, which is why we all go mad for chocolate in certain times of the month!! :o) Not that that's an excuse, I have well over 500lbs of calories in the bank! In fat terms I'm a millionaire! Okay, not quite, and I digress.

I found out on the CD forum about a perfectly legal jelly made with water, gelatine and CD water flavouring. Batch one tasted okay, although was a bit wibbly and unappealing to the eye. Next batch I used leaf gelatine and a couple of drops of yellow food colouring. Heaps better but still too wibbly. Batch 3 is wibbly too, so I'll just add another leaf of gelatine next time. I stuck it in the freezer for about half an hour which, and let's face it, these are desperate times - helped! I made a chocolate mousse to go with it and not only was it filling but DIVOON!!!!

A pile of choc Angel Delight and orange Jelly?!?!?! Are you SURE?!?!?! Now every meal can be Sunday teatime when I was a kid. And I've got it all to myself. Fantastic.

So I lost the 4lb I put on and another 2 on top of that since then, so in effect I've lost 2lb since Tuesday, ah, I'm not complaining. I haven't been this weight for about 5 years, and it's going in the right direction, so it's all good.

Finally a little note to Mike, if he comes here again, I saw you splashed all over the Daily Mail today!! Very proud of you and hope to be following in your footsteps man!! Thanks for your message as well, it was short and sweet but the timing was perfect!!

Right, that's your lot for today (it's getting to that time of day when I'm struggling and I've no chocolate packs until Monday!!!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog it is so funny - I klnow all about the getting cocky. I complete Day 1 and then think I'm in control - big mistake.

WE have to keep attcking it everyday though hun and eventuqally we will get there

Take care