Thursday 6 October 2005

Day Four and First Stop-In

Today I feel a lot better and have noticed an increase in alertness, energy and better sleep already. I didn't expect to feel it so soon. My skin, I am convinced now, is looking very clear indeed. Come to think of it, my nails are improving too!
Had a quiet day studying at home and the moment I realised I could have bars today I ran in the kitchen to try the fruit bar. It seems like so long ago!
It was pretty tasteless; I think you could just about detect a taste on the front of my tongue. It isn't a very big bar and weighs about an ounce. But the texture is quite chewy and dense, so it does last a while. Of course I forgot you can eat some now and some later... anyway, I had a coffee with that and then it dawned on me that I probably wouldn't eat for about another 8 hours - argh!
Today I've had quite strong cravings. Firstly wedding cake (of all things!), then fish and chips, with really thick, crispy batter, then a roast with chicken, roast potatoes, peas, carrots and gravy. Vivid!! I have a feeling it's the textures I'm missing now. It's made the hunger come back a bit today.
Lunchtime pack (at about 3pm), I had chicken soup as I have a bit of a cold and thought that even though it isn't real chicken (it's all 100% vegetarian) it might make me feel better.
I've struggled a little with the water today. Slight laziness.
As I was going to be at the stop-in and then seeing my dad after (he lives nearby), I thought I'd take another bar with me. The biggest one! The nut flapjack. I had half of it in the car on the way (probably a bad idea) and the rest on the way round the corner to my dad's!
My first impression was that Evil made a cake and it went badly wrong. It's tasteless, very dry and nasty. I guess the idea is to give your mouth something to chew on, but I wonder if it's made me want real food again. I won't get them next week. Actually I'll see how the other two bars are because I guess it'll be handy if I'm going to be out.
So, the Stop-In. Three of the other women were there and they were finding it similarly easy and had a varied reaction to the foodpacks. Whilst waiting to go in one of them said that she knew people who had done this "diet", and said that the soups could be made into crisps and the shakes into muffins. I'm not sure about that, but we'll see when she gets the recipes! Mind you, I'm thinking if we're not supposed to be on real food then it's probably a cheat and I don't want to cheat!
Then we had to wee on a stick (to check ketosis and hydration). I got told off for not drinking enough water. She said if I dehydrate it can damage the organs, and apart from that, if the ketones are not flushed out then the body will not produce more. Ketones are what fuels the fat-burning, therefore, more water, more weightloss. Message received and understood.
I was measured (don't know what they were) and weighed. Get this - EIGHT AND A HALF POUNDS!!! In just 3.5 days! I know that a lot of that is fluid (which the counsellor says will come back on at the end, thanks for the warning!), but still! I wonder what it will be like on Saturday....!
I have to admit, maybe I'm in shock, but although surprised I wasn't particularly pleased. I have no idea why. I can't fathom it. Whatever. Rationality over that, that 8.5lb is history. Goodbye.
Thing is, I've got two things going on. The lack of excitement over a great loss (I don't feel any smaller yet) and the fact that I'm very close to caving tonight (I won't!!!!!!). I think it's because I feel like I've done it. Sure there's another 140 or so pounds but that's me for you. Not staying the course. I feel like I took a test and passed. Tonight I am the closest to caving and I think it's because of this. So as soon as I've finished this, I'm off to bed!!
I probably won't update now until Saturday, unless I feel I need/ought to.

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