Wednesday 5 October 2005

End of Day Three

Day Three has been a breeze compared to the last few days. I have to say I am proud with myself and my stamina! Doing my GCSE's last year, 20 years late, really has helped, because it taught me that by starting something, committing to it and sticking to it, despite all obstacles, that I can really achieve what I want. All I needed was determination.

I slept pretty well, in fact, now I think about it, I must have slept really well because I had a late night, got up early and haven't felt the effects of it! In fact I woke up feeling quite good!

Am used to the hunger now and can handle it like a trooper! I am led to believe that once I stop producing insulin in a few days time, the hunger pangs will stop.

I had the caramel shake for breakfast; it's my least favourite shake - there's not a lot of flavour in it, it's okay though. I had that at about 0930 and, realising that I would want something before going out to college at 6pm and coming back at about 9pm it meant a long time without anything.... I coped okay though, trying to distract myself and tried to drink the water. Around 3pm I figured I'd have some coffee; I never drink that much of it but when I do I like a nice cup of it - usually espresso with hot water added - an Americano. I have some expensive cups and saucers tucked away and I decided I'd use one of them. It was a Godsend! It was almost like having another liquid meal, so it felt like a real treat. I don't want to get too used to it, so I won't overdo it. I went to college without taking water with me and I've noticed today, like a film in my mouth. Nothing horrible, kind of like a dryness (not like thirst, just dry). That may be the beginnings of the acetone they warned about. It's not a problem. Just part of the process. It's good to know that my body is reacting predictably to the "regime".

My only issue at the moment is that I haven't drunk as much water today. I think I just about drank enough yesterday. I haven't kept a check on it but I'm sure it's less than 2 litres. I'll be up for about another 30 mins or so, so I'll gollop another bit. I worked out that all I need to do is drink 500ml or half a pint of water an hour (16 hours a day). Looking at it like that, it doesn't seem so bad! So, tomorrow, on the hour, every hour I will make sure I have a half-pint glass full and make sure it's diminished by the end of the hour!

Also tomorrow, I am allowed to have the bars. Looking at them they don't seem as substantial as the soups and particularly the shakes. But I'll be open-minded. Being the first solid food I've had since Saturday I will have to try hard to resist scarfing it down. At the moment I think I probably won't get food bars again, and just stick to the shakes and soups.

I had the chicken soup today; that was fine, I used a little less water in order to have it thicker - you are allowed to have it as thick or watery as you like. Once again I added the pepper and Tabasco - it will be a while before I'm bored with that. Although tailoring the soups to avoid boredom is going to be hard anyway.

From Sunday, I'll be able to have other drink flavourings to add to water, both hot and cold (I don't know if the hot drinks will contribute to the 4 litres, I'll have to find out).

I will be having my first Stop-in tomorrow (this is a shorter midweek catch-up with the counsellor to check all is as it should be). I need to ask about taking my antihistimines as I've really been suffering with it the last couple of days and don't want to risk anything by taking it. I'd rather suffer all that sneezing! I'll have my first Before picture taken, along with measurements.

I am a bit worried as I just noticed on my copy of the GP form that it said if my BP diastolic was above 90 I had to have another test 5 mins later. It was 106 and he didn't do it. I've been given high BP tablets, which I've admitted to, but not taken yet (naughty girl). I'm supposed to be giving blood on Thursday - I think it's unlikely they'll let me but I'll go along, at least to find out my BP.

I'm going to the GP again sometime next week for another BP check-up; this time I've asked to see the one there who I know to be sympathetic to my weight struggle and has attempted to help out constructively a couple of times before. He's not an angel but he's helpful enough and naturally keen to see me lose my tonnage. I'll honestly voice my concerns to him, give him the LL leaflet that they asked me to give them (the other GP gave it back), and ask what I need to do about this 4-weekly thing. I am expecting they will want paying so I will do whatever is the cheapest option available.

Worst case scenerio: I can get LL products at eBay and I will buy them there if I have to. I don't want to. It's cheaper but obviously there is no support. Uh, I don't know. Worrying too much. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it....

'Til tomorrow......

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