Monday 10 October 2005

Week One In The Can!

And TWELVE POUNDS lighter!

Well I finished Wk1 when going to bed on Saturday night.

Funny, I can't really remember ever eating conventional food! I've had cravings, real cravings, and for food I don't normally eat, but I recognise them as part of my addiction, and not because my body needs it.

The water intake has been quite difficult, but getting easier every day. From today I've been able to use the food flavourings they sell, and that's really helped. Makes it up to £9 more expensive each week though...

In addition to the meals you are allowed up to 2 of this savoury drink per day (they don't count as part of your water though, sadly!). For a week's supply (14) it's £6. Yikes. More money? Thanks to the Discovery Health forum I found out that Marigold Vegetable Bouillon is just the same. I checked the ingredients and the only difference is one thing and it's last on the list (and therefore the smallest in percentage) - lovage. It's around £1.50 a tub and looks like there's maybe a couple of week's worth if you have one tsp per cup!

We had a sample (well, I had two!) to take home and I thought it was quite nice. Funny that now I kind of see it as another meal or snack. A fortnight ago it would have been a poor excuse for gravy! It'll be good for difficult days - esp that time of the month when I just get ravenous!

I still can't believe how easy this is to do really!

The only bad news is that they are putting their prices up just after New Year (just in time for all those resolution-makers....). Already the more expensive of the VLCD's at £46.50 a week, it's going up to £62!

To cut a long story short, I've done lots of homework and will be switching over to the Cambridge Diet, as it's half that price! The only difference is that CD don't do the cognitive behavioural therapy. General consensus is divided, some people swear by it, some can live without it, some say it's patronising. I've decided to stick with it for the time being, but the change to Cambridge is certainly going to happen.

I'm not nervous about that, so I don't know what is stopping me really. Maybe it's because I'm so happy with LL that I'm worried that a change might upset it. What's the worst that could happen? I don't like it and go back to LL?!

Cambridge actually make the food that LL sells, except that they do more flavours of it. I think that's about all I need to know (mental note: find out what other flavours are!). Having said that I'm having trouble with the choices I've got! I quite like everything (not overkeen on the bars though).

In addition you can have black tea (any leaf type) or black coffee, and there's a savoury drink you can have twice a day too. Really that's enough.

But at the end of the day I want to switch to Cambridge because of the cost. That's the bottom line really.

Right. I may post again before next week, I've decided not to go to the pop-in this week as I'm coping fine (although the old number two's are starting to raise question!).

Hoping to lose at least 5lb this week and stretch the initial good loss out to a second week!

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