Friday 28 October 2005

One Month Done

... I lost 3lb this week, so that's a total of 21lb.

I've only met my counsellor twice and I'm already kind of fed up with her. Not only does she spend 98% of the time talking about herself, and 1.5% about other clients, but she told me she expected me to have lost about 6lb this week. Geez, thanks a bundle. Make me feel great about myself, thanks.

I'm on what I call my "Hungry Week", it's the TOTM and I'm in that ravenous week. I had a couple of extra bars one night, was extremely pissed off with myself, but allowed myself to be consoled by the fact that I still ate food on the programme and not real food. I had an extra bar last night, and today - although she said if I feel like I need a fourth each day then that was fine. I've been fighting it anyway, and doing quite well at it, but there you go. On a journey of 1000 miles, you're going to stumble once or twice, but as long as you keep facing and moving forward, you'll get there. So I'll get there.

I haven't been drinking the water properly, and that I think is my issue. What else could it be?

Well, that's all to report for now.

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